Con domicilio en Boulevard Kukulkan Manzana 57 Lote 17 Secc, A Zona Hotelera , Benito Juárez CP: 77500  Quintana RooThe above mentioned, (hereinafter referred to as "EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY") Professional photography through the web (the "Web").The transaction made through the Web will be invoiced by EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY, with which the contract is understood to have been concluded. These Terms and Conditions are, therefore the expression Excellence Photography is the name of any of them.The use of the Web and the contracting of the services (the "Services") offered by it, implies acceptance by its users and / or customers (hereinafter referred to as "User" or "Users") Of the General Conditions of Contract, Specific Conditions defined in the purchase process and the Norms of Privacy that are updated periodically, so it is important that the User reads them every time he visits the Web, as well as all those specific conditions of Each Service, which must also be accepted.By simply browsing the Web, there is no agreement between EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY and the User. Excellence Photography offers through the Web information related to the Services that it commercializes through it.By accessing and using the Website, the User agrees to accept the general conditions set out below (the "Terms"), so it is recommended that this section be carefully read before beginning. EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY reserves the right to change, modify, add or delete at any time part of the Conditions and make changes to the Services without prior notice.All means and technical requirements that are necessary to access the Web and the Services shall be at the sole expense of the User, as well as any expenses or taxes to which the provision of the Services may result.2. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITYEXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY is not liable for damages or losses arising from the access, use or misuse of the contents of the Web.The use of the Web is done under the account and risk of the User. Neither EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY nor its representatives or agents shall be liable for any loss or damage, or direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, in any way connected with or resulting from the use of the Website or any information contained therein . By accepting the Terms, the User expressly waives any claim against EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY arising from the use of the Website or the information contained therein.3. RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONTENTSEXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY is not responsible for any discrepancies that may arise between the version of its printed documents and the electronic version of the same published on the Web. Documents and photographs published on the Web may include technical inconsistencies or typographical errors. The information is subject to periodic changes and EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY may at any time make improvements or changes to the Services described herein.EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY does not respond to the veracity of the information that is not of its own elaboration, nor does it assume any responsibility as to damages that could be caused by the use of said information.4. INDUSTRIAL AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTYThis page contains and refers to industrial or intellectual property rights of EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY.All content on this page, such as text, graphics, logos, icons, images, data collections, as well as software is the exclusive property of EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY and all protected by international copyright laws.EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY reserves the right to use civil and / or criminal lawsuits against natural or legal persons and their representatives that violate the provisions of the Terms, especially with regard to copyright.The website is not intended for distribution, use or access by persons from jurisdictions in which entering this page entails that EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY infringe any law or regulation in that jurisdiction.5. MAJORITY AND LEGAL CAPACITYThe User declares that he / she is of legal age (over 18 years old or 21 in some jurisdictions) and has the legal capacity to contract the Services offered on the Web in accordance with the Terms, which he understands and understands in its entirety. In case of hiring by a minor EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY will not be in any case responsible, and the parents, or guardians, must assume the expenses and consequences that this could cause. Access to the Web is the sole responsibility of the Users.6. ACCEPTANCE OF CONDITIONSOnce the User has accessed the Web, to proceed to the contracting of the Services must follow all the indications and instructions included in the purchase procedure, completing for this purpose the Particular Conditions and other forms set for each Service, which Will mean the reading and acceptance of all the General and Particular Conditions of application.By checking acceptance of Conditions, the User ratifies the contract with EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY, confirming the dates indicated in his reservation, Hotel Day chosen, number of rooms and persons, and any other Particular Condition of the Service that is detailed in the procedure shopping. The User agrees to confirm the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided, being null that contracting in which the user has provided false information. No documents confirming contracting will result in false information. In those cases in which the User has made a reservation with false information, it will be responsible for the processing and operating expenses generated by its reservation and will compensate the hotel for the loss of profits derived from the reservation of rooms that will not be finally contracted By the User, nor by third parties.EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY, the right to modify the prices with prior notification to the User, are the conditions and price of the reservation contracted, are those that are determined expressly in the procedure of purchase.Once the EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY is contracted, it will send the User by e-mail the vouchers and / or application documents to the specific reservation.The present Conditions, the specific conditions of sale of the tariff reserved by the User and the confirmation or reservation request, express the integrality of the obligations between the parties.No general or specific condition communicated by the User may be included in these Conditions.The documents that make up the contractual commitments between the parties are, in descending order of priority, the bonus or the reservation request (including the particular conditions of the reserved rate) and these Conditions.In case of contradiction between the booking voucher and the Conditions, the provisions in the reservation confirmation will be the only applicable for the obligation that is questioned.7. RATES AND BILLINGThe disaggregated rate will show the final price of the contracted service, indirect taxes or any other rate or tax that is applicable in the country providing the service.Some countries request to enter and / or leave their territory, fees that have to be paid by the User as a tourist or visitor, and that must be collected by EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY, who then must refer to the Government of that country. EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY, will make its best efforts so that the User is informed of this rate prior to hiring.EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY, will not send Users in any case billing, confirmation or other documents related to the reservation in paper format. The User accepts the commitment of EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY, with the environment, and therefore accepts the electronic mode of receiving documents.The prices relative to the reservation of the Services are indicated before and during the reservation.Prices are expressed per product and photos purchased.The prices are confirmed to the User with all taxes included, in the currency buying the sale of the exchange rate of the bank to the date of purchase in the establishment (so that in certain cases may be different from the local currency of the Hotel) and are valid Only for the period indicated on the website.All reservations, regardless of their origin, must be paid in the currency of the Hotel, unless otherwise specified in the Hotel.Currency conversion is for information only, never contractual. Only the currency that has been confirmed at the time of booking is guaranteed (if that currency is different from EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY, the possible costs of the currency exchange will be borne by the User).8. MEANS OF PAYMENTEXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY, will indicate in the reservation form according to the Photographer and the anticipation of the same, the means of payment available. The User must make payment by any of the modalities offered.Depending on the anticipation of payment of the Session of the premises, the forms of payment offered may be as follows:I pay with credit card. This type of payment may be carried out in the following ways:Payment by telephone providing credit card informationFull amount of the price of the reservation at the time of the sale with the EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY representative,Fractional payment or Deposits: At the moment of making the reservation, the percentage indicated in the reservation detail will be paid and before the date indicated in the same detail, the remaining percentage of the price will be paid. All this in the understanding that if the second payment is not made within the indicated period, it will be treated as if it were a cancellation. In no case is it guaranteed that the means of payment used for the payment of the initial percentage may be used at the time of payment of the remaining percentage of the price.In case of modification, "no show" or cancellation the User must pay the full amount of the reservation.In the case of a payment with a card in which the holder does not enjoy the reservation, the holder will provide additional information to the one required in the purchase process. In case this information is not provided correctly, the payment must be made at the EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY counter, and in case it is not provided, the reservation will not be valid.Payment in Destination: The payment can be made at destination by the User in cash or by card once you arrive at the Hotel. In such case, the User will enter, as a guarantee of the reservation, the data of the card of the buyer and in case of no presentation or modification will be charged by EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY, the penalties indicated in the Web. In no case is it guaranteed that the means of payment used for the initial guarantee can be used for payment at destinationTelephone Payment: the User, if the computer system allows it, can make the payment by telephone to our central telephone number indicated on the Web. The deadline for confirmation and payment of the reservation will not exceed 3 hours from the time the reservation has been made. In the event that the telephone confirmation will not be made within the indicated period, EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY reserves the right to cancel the reservation without having anything else to demand or demand the User. The User must confirm the data of his credit and / or debit card by telephone, expressly accepting that the card be charged the price of the reservation and, if applicable, any expenses or refunds of cancellation and / or modification.The user agrees that the payment method used is his property and that the data provided are correct, authorizing EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY, to charge the Services contracted and its immediate annulment or modification in the payment procedure chosen before any reasonable indication of That an irregular use of the payment method used may be being made.Cash Payment: Cash payments must be made in the currency of Mexico. In order to comply with current legislation on limitation of cash payments.Paypal payment: The payment of paypal must be made to the currency of Mexico, it is at the discretion of the user to make payment since it is an independent payment server, EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY reserves the right clarification in this option9. RESERVATIONS, CANCELLATIONS AND CUSTOMER SERVICEThe User may modify or cancel the reservation through the Web or email. The conditions of modification, cancellation or non-show of the reservation will be those that appear in the purchase process specified in the Web and that the User knows and accepts expressly at the moment of making the reservation.Modification shall be understood as:Modification of the session datePackage changeModify the session type in the cancellation period indicated on the Web.The modification of the name of the User who made the reservation will be considered a cancellation.The contact with EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY to request information, to make suggestions or to make a claim, will be made through the form that is activated when accessing the link of "Contact" located in the bottom central zone of the Web or by dialing the link " Contact Us "at the top right of the Web.The User may also contact directly through the following email addresses:Information of prices and Reservations: Hotels Available for Sesion: suggestions or comments: Claims, After Sales: yourexperience@excellencephotography.comSuggestions and comments on the web: problems while using the web: PHOTOGRAPHIC SESSIONOn arrival at the Hotel, the means of confirmation of the reservation will always be the bonus.The User undertakes to carry the bond and to display it at the time of the session with the Photographer, accepting that if such document is not presented, the conditions of the reservation can not be guaranteed.EXCELLENCE HOTELS IN EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHYThe User accepts and agrees to use the rooms and facilities of the Hotels appropriately. Any behavior contrary to good customs and public order may allow EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY Cancel the session and request the User to leave the establishment without any compensation or without any refund if a charge has already been made.11. VALIDITY OF OFFERSThe Web offers will only be valid for as long as they remain accessible to the Users for their effective contracting through the established purchase process.The quote shown by the Web is based on the current rate for the country of residence of the User, taking as reference their IP address. In case of a discrepancy between the access IP of the User and their country of origin, an error occurs, EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY reserves the right to modify the price of the system by informing the User in advance.In the event that EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY cancels the reservation by accident or force majeure, the reservation will be canceled without right to claim or compensation. Such assumption must be communicated to the User, if this is possible, by the conduit used for the confirmation of the reservation.12. STORAGE PRINCIPLEIf one or more of the clauses included in the Conditions were declared totally or partially null or ineffective, this declaration will affect only that provision or that part that has been so declared, the Conditions remaining in all other matters, such provision or part Of the same affected, not put.13. NOTIFICATIONSAll notices, requests, requests and other communications to be made by the parties in relation to the Conditions shall be made in writing and shall be understood to have been duly made when they have been delivered by hand or sent by ordinary mail to the address of The other party or the email of the latter.(14). Copyright and Ownership of Materials:(A) The photograph includes a photo, images, transparency, negative, digital exploration, commercial, design, flyer, artwork, painting, assembly drawing, propaganda, banner, engraving or any other article that can be offered for reproduction; (B) reproduction includes any form of publication or copy of all or part of a photograph and whether or not it is altered by the print, photograph, projection of slides (whether or not a hearing) xerography, artist reference, Illustration of the artist, presentation or presentation, electronic or mechanical reproduction or storage by any other means; (D) the Customer is the person or organization to whom the invoice is addressed (whether or not the Customer acts by a third party); (C) the Photographer (also known as EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY) is the Author of the Photography or the Photographer.(D) The Photographer, managed by EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY, provides the technical and artistic ability to illustrate an idea photographically and sells the delegate to reproduce those images in a given context. No property or copyrights on any image will pass to the Client either in its presentation or in the EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY grant, of rights of reproduction with respect thereto; (E) EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY affirms both his moral right to be identified as author of his work as the right to a claim is affirmed (B) The title of all photographs remains property EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY(F) These terms and conditions represent the entire agreement between EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY and the Customer. (A) All copyright of images is retained by, EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY at all times throughout the world and is administered by the same; (F) Unless otherwise agreed in writing if any photograph reproduced by the Client omits the copyright notice or credit line specified by EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY, any fee payable by Customer shall be subject to an increase specified by Excellence Photography And in any case an increase of not less than 25%.(16). Use and reproduction: (A) The License of Use will only take effect once the full payment of the invoice has been made. Images may not be used until full and final payment has been received - including any late fee charged - by Excellence Photography;(B) Written permission may be granted for the use of the image before payment, however this permission will be revoked immediately if the payment of the invoice is not made for the time scale indicated on the invoice;(C) The images will be authorized for use and reproduction of the Client with License of Use if it is required, limited during the time of 15 days of its existence. When the Usage License has expired, the images will be removed. EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY reserves the right to inform the client in writing and any other means that all digital files have been destroyed. EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY reserves the right to make use of or reproduction of its images for purposes that agree without prior agreement. .(C) Reproduction rights (if and when granted) are strictly limited to the use and period of the customer who on the invoice. An agreement must be reached with EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY before the images are used for a different purpose or after the license to use has expired; (D) The reproduction rights are not granted exclusively to the Client except when specified in the invoice or payment;(E) The rights of reproduction granted are personal to the Client and can not be transferred, nor can be lent or transferred to third parties, except for the purpose of the exercise of such rights of reproduction;(F) Any right of reproduction granted is by means of a license and will not involve any partial assignment or any of copyright; (G) EXCELLENCE PHOTOGRAPHY reserves the right to refuse to supply or grant a reproduction license to a third party when requested by the Customer;(17). JURISDICTION AND APPLICABLE LAWAny dispute that arises from the use of the Web, must be processed in place of residence that will be governed by United States Mexican Law and the Courts of Benito Juárez Quintana Roo México Enero 2017​

Copyright © 2017,Excellence Photography Inc. 

Terms And Conditions